One sure sign that spring is really here in full force is the return of the Chimney Swifts. I love hearing their little chattering sound as they swoop around the sky. Thanks to the marvels of the information age you can monitor their northward movement and contribute sightings of your own at the Driftwood Wildlife Association's 2010 Chimney Swift Migration website.
As of the end of last week, they were half way up Missouri and heading north. They seem to be a week ahead of last year which would mean they should show up in the Twin Cities in about two weeks. If you are seeing them in your area and you live north of where you see a red dot on the above map be sure to send in your observation!
I see this map is from 2010, I want to comment that we in central Michigan, St. Johns have been watching Chimney Swifts each night since 9-11. The first night we saw maybe 20-30 birds, subsequent nights we have seen 15-20 each night. I contacted the Zoology Dept. at Michigan State University to identify the birds. We had never notices them in our 29 years living in this location. They are resting nightly at our neighbors, who are not home so they haven't turned on the heating system. It is very cool to watch them and I have captured several videos.
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